Winner of the D’source DIC-BHU SDGs Design Challenge

Issued by IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay India. Designed an Interactive digital solution addressing the 9th SDG - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure under Interaction Design category.

Issued by IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay India. Designed an Interactive digital solution addressing the 9th SDG - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure under Interaction Design category.

Topic selection

After studying the 21 disabilities identified under RPWD Act 2016, I selected “Speech language disability (SLD)” as my main subject. Further on, after conducting a Literature review , I concised my topic and selected one part of SLD, which is Miss articulationAn articulation disorder exists when a child has difficulty physically producing a sound or sounds due to structural defects or difficulty with proper placement of articulators to create the target sound.

Problem statement

In this Covid- 19 pandemic situation, there was huge interruption in health services, including speech and language disorder, which was earlier carried out in person. This service disruption and transition has resulted in worsening wellbeing in kids as they showed more severe emotional and behavioral problems.

Design brief

Designing an application for SLD patients (miss articulation) by providing therapy practice services and features enhancing the experience of the users